Three Dead and Eight Injured in Stockholm after Truck Rams into Crowds in City Centre

Stockholm Attack April 7, 2017

By Ethiopia Zare Reporter, Stockholm

Stockholm (EZ): A truck has smashed into a crowded store on street called Drottninggatan in central Stockholm the capital of Sweden, at least three killed and eight injured.

At 14:53 (on Friday April 7, 2017) alerted police the crash happened at the Åhléns department store on Drottninggatan (Queen Street) in central Stockholm.

The Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven said to the Swedish media that Sweden has been attacked, and everything pointed to an act of terrorism.

Police urged people to stay away from Stockholm City - all acute care hospitals in the county have gone up in the emergency situation.

Stockholm Attack April 7, 2017
Emergency servies work at the scene where a truck crashed, Stockholm, April 7, 2017. (Photo: Jonathan Nackstrand/AFP/Getty Images)

The truck has been hijacked earlier in the day on its way to a restaurant delivery, according to the firm that owns it. The owner of the truck is the Swedish brewery Spendrups.

Witnesses say the truck drove into the front window of the Åhléns store at the intersection Master Samuelsgatan and Drottninggatan. The truck began shortly thereafter burn.

Stockholm Attack April 7, 2017
People on the streets of Stockholm, April 7, 2017. (Photograph: IBL/Rex/Shutterstock)


All the underground trains were stopped after the attack and in some cases the trains were still inside the tunnel, according to Ethiopia Zare reporter in Stockholm. All traffic around the city, including subway and trains shut down and police urges people not to move in central Stockholm.

Some people were locked inside their work places especially in Stockholm city, including who were inside the Swedish Parlament, which is near to the site of the crush.

Stockholm Attack April 7, 2017
Site of the truck smashed in Stockholm city centre, April 7, 2017. (Image: BBC)

The Swedish media recommended people to use social media instead of calling, because of the load on the telecommunication networks inside Stockholm. Ethiopia Zare reporter in Stockholm confirmed that telephone calls in Stockholm are not working properly and there is interruption during calls and sometimes the calls were disconnected.

The Swedish King

The Swedish King, Carl XVI Gustaf who is now in Brazil comments on today's attack in Stockholm.

“I and the entire royal family have dismayed some of the information about the afternoon's attack in Stockholm. We follow the development but already our thoughts are with the victims and their families”, says the King.

The king and queen canceled a trip in Brazil, says Margareta Thorgren the director of Information and Press Department at the Royal Court.

The king is expected to land in Sweden on Saturday.

Swedish Police

The Swedish Police announced that a press conference will be held in soon.


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